I Thankful For… Day 6


Yum Pastries

I am thankful I have been to Paris.

From the pastries to the people to the art to the history, Paris is magnifigue! Some people think Parisians hate us. That has not been my experience. The French appreciate it when you try and speak their language, the same way we want immigrants to speak English. It’s a respect thing.  One ‘bonjour’ is all it takes.

Some people also like to throw around that the French surrendered In World War II.  Having fought World War 1 for 1566 days on their border, a war weary France could not contain the German Blitzkrieg of WW II.

They tried, and yes we had to help them.  That’s what America did for their oldest ally.  If not for the French, America would not have won the American Revolution. That is what they did for us.

So it is heartbreaking to see what is going on in the beautiful city where Jim Morrison rests and Mona Lisa smiles.  Watching the non-stop news, it is clear to see that the French are taking care of business.  I have often wondered what if an alien force came down and threatened all of mankind.  Would we finally see we are all just people. Some  of us good and some really, really bad.  The French have had our backs when we needed them and we came to their aid when they were in the fight of their lives.

That is what friends do.

God Bless the French people and all that love their pastries.

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